There are many aspects of ceramics that draw me to the medium. I love the enduring nature of pottery and the tradition it holds. Creating works that are usable brings me joy, and the fact that the custom of making ceramics has remained the same for thousands of years also fascinates me. Being able to carry on this same process lets me relate with the past. Inspiration for my work feature multiple themes, including triangles, the number three, and ancient cultures. The basic idea of a tripod pot initially came from examining ancient Chinese ceramic and bronze works of the Shang Dynasty. These pots from the 13th to 11th century BC were originally designed to have a greater surface for exposure to a cooking fire. Although my works are not made for this purpose, the three-legged form reflects on triangular symbolism. Triangles and the number three are influential because they symbolize physical and spiritual aspects of the world. They represent the threefold nature of the universe such as time: past-present-future, man: body-soul-spirit, and living: birth-life-death. Also, an equilateral triangle is a symbol of balance or completion, having three sides that support each other. Depending on the orientation of a triangle, the meaning can be different. An upward point represents masculinity, fire, heat, wisdom and truth, while a downward point represents femininity, water, cold, body, and the natural world. As with the triangle, the forms can look either masculine or feminine depending on its orientation, and the tripod legs create a unique balanced visual aesthetic.