January 22 - February 26, 2025

Jim Bowling

As a sculptor working primarily with the figure, I find the male form a potent agent for dialogue and personal narrative. These narratives range from crucial personal and global conversations to a means of expressing themes of desire and sexuality. I use the body to discuss social, political, and spiritual themes, both as facilitator and as provocateur. I find creating work that focuses on the male form provides a platform for expressing my personal history as a gay man, and a means of reconciling the contentious relationship LGBTQI+ people often have with their own bodies. I alternate between both stylized and representational figures; both approaches have a place in my work and often dialogue with one another. The stylized figures are putti-like forms, serving as provocateurs and influencers of human expression and emotion; the representational forms tend to be more introspective or reflective. Aesthetically and philosophically, I am inspired by the ceramic work of the artists of the California Funk Art movement, as well as the work of the Surrealists.

The material traditions of ceramics inform my process, but the “story” is what gives it meaning and purpose.  The connection of surface design to form is important, and I continue to investigate their interdependence in narrative expression. I am inspired by both natural and human-made objects that evidence signs of wear, age, and decay; these surfaces imply a sense of depth and “experience.” I often complement these surfaces with brighter colors, hard lines or patterns, and metallic or glossy surfaces. The resulting combination of organic and “hard” surfaces express a sense of both chaos and order, coexisting in a “yin yang” relationship.

His exhibition entitled “Short Stories” will run January 22- February 26, 2025.

March 1 - 29

Kerry boganwright

April 5 - 26

Rory Pots

christopher St. JOhn

May 3 - june 28

Jing Haung

July 5 - august 30

Carolyn tripp

September 6 - november 1

Nicole McLaughlin


Lisa Bare


Glenn Gustafson